
Traits of Highly Sensitive Person Leads to Peri/Menopause Drama

highly sensitive woman
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I'm a Certified Health Coach and healing yoga teacher for highly sensitive peri/menopausal women, with advanced training in reducing inflammation and improving gut health. I clear up and sort out the nuts and bolts of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, so you don't have to, and hand it to you in quick and easy ways you will love.
I am a mom of three living in Southern Texas.  I enjoy reading, gardening and yoga. 
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Traits of Highly Sensitive Person Leads to Peri/Menopause Drama

I’m a highly sensitive person (HSP), like 20% of the human population. The instability of perimenopause and menopause can be particularly hard on us loving, creative and beautiful souls of high sensitivity. Out-of-wack hormones and the fun of night sweats make any woman cringe, but if you are an HSP you feel this change even more deeply. But hang on – I’ve got your solutions here!

(Hint: you must prioritize your health.)

highly sensitive woman

Being highly sensitive is a whole-body experience. It is physically taxing to be highly sensitive. If you’re an HSP, you likely know this already. Violent movies, loud noises, upsetting conversations and more can all cause physical responses in an HSP’s body. And when perimenopause and menopause hit, everything is increased and magnified – and not in a good way. It can take a toll on your hormone levels, nervous system, emotions, muscles and more.

You are not alone. You are not flawed. Interestingly, the same percentage of this trait is also found in the animal kingdom in over 100 species. (1)

When you know how to work with what you have, being an HSP is a gift to celebrate. You can cash in on the benefits of creativity, deep processing, quickly noticing subtle cues in social situations and tuning into other’s needs, having great empathy and picking up on the little wonders in life that most others miss. And the potential downsides of this trait can be managed successfully with lifestyle changes, self-care and diet.

4 Traits of Highly Sensitive People You Need to Know to Learn to Embrace Your Sensitivity

1. Depth of Processing: Creativity or Imagination

You have a deep capacity for processing information and emotions. This ability can lead to a rich inner world of creativity and imagination. I find I am constantly flooded with beautiful ideas and solutions because of my sensitivities. I never worry that a solution can’t be found. My brain is wired for them. However, this depth of processing could lead to overthinking or worry, so you need to find healthy outlets for your creativity and manage your stress levels.

Vagus Nerve Strengthening Heals – In this post you will learn how to calm your body and reduce stress to improve health.

2. Super Senses (in the past known as “Overstimulation”)

One of the most common traits of an HSP is your wonderful Super Senses. You smell, hear, see, taste or touch on a greater level than most. The smell of a rose is sweeter and wonderfully intense to you. That delicious meal tastes like heaven to you. That beautiful piece of music enters your body as if it were part of you. Or a soothing massage feels like it is worth a million dollars. 

Because of their intensity, your Super Senses may become overwhelmed by loud noises, bright lights, strong smells, or other sensory inputs that most people easily tolerate. You may need to take breaks or retreat to quiet spaces to recharge and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Meditation and working from home are all the rage, so no worries these types of solution can be found!

You need these mantras for self love. They will help to relax your mind and body and start your self-care off right.

3. Emotional Intensity: Empathy and Compassion

As an HSP you have a strong sense of empathy and intuition, which allows you to connect deeply with others and understand their perspectives. You are often known for your deep empathy and compassion towards others. You can naturally pick up on the emotions and needs of those around you and may even feel overwhelmed by the intensity of these emotions. I remember a coaching meeting I was at where I suggested we pause a minute, reflect and take a break when something was heating up. I was approached later by someone who asked, “How did you know that was exactly what we needed at that moment.” To me, it was obvious. What seemed strange is that no one else could see it. My sensitivity benefited everyone that day.

You may be drawn to careers in helping professions, such as counseling or social work, where you can use your sensitivity to make a positive impact on others. This is a great way to be paid for and supported in being sensitive. However, it’s important for HSPs also to prioritize self-care and set boundaries to avoid burnout.

4. Sensitive to Subtleties: Intuition or Master of Detail

As an HSP you often have a strong sense of intuition and gut feelings. You may pick up on subtle cues that others miss, and you may have a deep understanding of the motivations and intentions of others. This can be a valuable trait in personal and professional relationships.

A highly detail oriented HSP with deep concentration abilities is an expert in details and spotting and finding errors. Think of the great gift this is for someone who is an accountant, for example. HSPs should learn to trust their intuition and skills while also practicing self-care and stress management techniques to avoid overthinking or becoming overwhelmed. 

Increased Menopausal Symptoms Come with The Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person

Menopause can be difficult for many women, but it can be particularly challenging for an HSP. The hormonal changes during menopause can exacerbate existing sensitivities and lead to new symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and insomnia. You need to be aware of these potential symptoms and follow these practical relief solutions.

Common Symptoms Experienced by Highly Sensitive Women

Highly sensitive women going through perimenopause may experience a range of symptoms that can be challenging to manage. These may include the same symptoms of other non-HSPs, such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and fatigue. But because HSPs tend to be more aware of their bodily sensations, these symptoms are particularly strong and acute. 

The Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person Collide with Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance is a common issue for women going through perimenopause. This occurs when an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone in the body leads to symptoms like mood swings, anxiety, and hot flashes. These symptoms can be even more intense and overwhelming for highly sensitive people. It’s important to get your hormone levels tested by your doctor to know if you have estrogen dominance.  

Gut Health Issues for Highly Sensitive Women

Gut issues are also common during perimenopause and menopause. But by being additionally sensitive, HSPs are already more prone to gut health issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) when they don’t care for their health. HSPs may have a more reactive nervous system, which can affect the functioning of the digestive system. 

Did you know your digestive system reacts to overstimulation and tenses and slows down on digesting? Your muscles react with tension when your mind is overstimulated. If you are feeling tense right now, notice which muscles are holding the tension. Is your jaw clenching? Are your shoulders tight? What about your digestive system? 

HSPs will find many nagging health issues, such as digestive complaints, rear their head when perimenopause and menopause hormones go crazy. These are likely not new health issues to you, just ones that needed to have been addressed previously anyway. Think of perimenopause and menopause as your wake-up to take yourself and your health seriously and fix what you have been ignoring. 

It’s important for you as an HSPs to pay attention to your gut health. Your goal is to strengthen and heal your body to allow your gifts to shine. Being healthy will allow you to use your gifts while not being bothered by what might have become adverse side effects of being highly sensitive. 

Check out my Improve Gut Health Bundle of tried-and-true supplements to increase your digestive wellbeing.

Always check with your doctor before starting any new supplements or herbs.

Increased Peri/Menopausal Inflammation for Highly Sensitive People

As an HSP you may also be more prone to inflammation in the body during perimenopause/menopause. This is because your nervous system may react more intensely to stressors, leading to an increased release of stress hormones like cortisol (which is already “thrown off” during perimenopause). Cortisol is often the cause of that common “brain fog” and it contributes to midlife weight gain. (2) HSPs should prioritize stress management techniques and a healthy lifestyle to help reduce inflammation in the body. 

This site is dedicated to assisting you in living that anti-inflammatory lifestyle that can be so critical for an HSP to thrive!

Female Weight Gain and Night Sweats Solved – Read this post to start feeling better now.

Spices that are Anti Inflammatory – This post will cool down the flame of inflammation.

Coping Strategies for Managing Perimenopausal Symptoms When You Have Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person

If you’re a highly sensitive person going through perimenopause, several coping strategies can help you manage your symptoms. 

First, it’s important to prioritize self-care:

Soothing Self-Care Ideas for Women Who Do Too Much – Read this post to get quick, doable ideas for easy self care.

1) get enough sleep

Natural Sleep Music, Aids & Tips to reduce stress and make for a better and healthier night’s sleep.

2) eat a healthy diet

Do You Know the Healthiest Diet for You?

3) eat at regular times and in a calm environment

4) engage in regular exercise

Second, you need to reduce stress. Mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga can be helpful. 

Stress: How To Relieve it to Ease Your Mind & Body

Additionally, some women find relief from perimenopausal symptoms through natural remedies like herbal supplements or acupuncture. It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider before trying any new treatments or supplements.

Check out these supplements and products to calm your body and mind.

Always check with your doctor before starting any new supplements or herbs.

HSPs and Perimenopausal Migraines

Migraines are common during perimenopause with crazy hormones. (3) According to research HSPs are more likely to experience migraines. (4) And because of a heightened response to stress, these migraines can be chronic.  Focus on reducing stress to help migraines.

Tip: ginger helps with some migraines. Try sipping on this soothing tea: click for recipe. 

Conclusion for Traits of Highly Sensitive Person and Peri/Menopause

You need to know the traits of highly sensitive people to learn to embrace your sensitivity. 

1. Depth of Processing: Creativity or Imagination

2. Super Senses (in the past known as “Overstimulation”)

3. Emotional Intensity: Empathy and Compassion

4. Sensitive to Subtleties: Intuition or Master of Detail

During perimenopause and menopause, these traits can lead to an increase in symptoms. To thrive as an HSP during this time, you must prioritize your health. This allows your body and mind to be strong and your gifts to flow generously.

(1) The Highly Sensitive Person (hsperson.com)

(2) Cortisol Levels: How It Impacts Menopause Symptoms (bywinona.com)

(3) Migraines and Menopause: What’s the Connection and How Do You Treat Them? (webmd.com)

(4) https://migraine.com/blog/highly-sensitive-people

(5) Sensory Processing Sensitivity (migraine.com)


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