It is finally time to feel good!
I'm a Certified Health Coach for highly sensitive peri/menopausal women, with advanced training in reducing inflammation and improving gut health. I clear up and sort out the nuts and bolts of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, so you don't have to, and hand it to you in quick and easy ways you will love.
I am a mom of three living in Southern Texas.  I enjoy reading, gardening and anything that has to do with food!
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The key tools and solutions for a slim anti-inflammatory lifestyle.
Healing nutrition that fits into your life.
Your body, mind and spirit in balance.
superfoods to supercharge your health

family cookboook:

5 healthy snack ideas using superfoods, with many being on-the-go foods,

plus a printable Top 20 Superfoods list.

Yes, please!

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The Easy Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Blog for Highly Sensitive Women Over Forty

As a Certified Health Coach for highly sensitive peri/menopausal women, with advanced training in reducing inflammation and improving gut health, I clear up and sort out the nuts and bolts of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, so you don't have to, and hand it to you in quick and easy ways you will love. 
Being healthy makes every part of life better.

Woman receiving a massage to release toxins
the latest

Can Massage Release Toxins?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Can massage release toxins? Unlocking the Benefits: How Massage Therapy Can Detoxify and Nourish the Bodies of Mature Sensitive Women (Note: this post is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe for or treat any condition) As a mature woman, you know your body is undergoing various changes and challenges that […]

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a woman reaching happiness and relaxing smiling

Reading Time: 8 minutes How to Reach Happiness for highly-sensitive women 40+ Unlocking Inner Joy: A Guide to Finding Happiness for Sensitive Women in their 40s and Beyond Are you a fabulous, fierce woman in your 40s or beyond, in search of true happiness? Well, you’ve come to the right place, my friend! In this guide, you’ll dive into […]

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woman relaxed and unstressed with better days to come

Reading Time: 5 minutes Better days are to come with less stress. Many mornings, I wake up feeling like I have a million things to do and never enough time to do them. Did I send that email about the meeting yesterday? Did I pack school lunches last night? When will I find time to work out today, make […]

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natural hands hormone balance

Reading Time: 6 minutes hormone balance quiz to feel better – take it today! Uncover the Secrets to Your Perimenopause Hormone Balance: Take this Quiz Today When I experienced my first hot flash, I immediately knew what it was. I thought to myself, so THAT is what a hot flash is. It was a warming sensation that moved through […]

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Stress: How to Relieve It

Reading Time: 5 minutes Stress: how to relieve it to ease your mind and body.  Make your life more fun and less stressful with these new techniques.  They’ll help you see things from a different perspective. Stress affects your immune system, your digestion, your sleep patterns, and even your brain chemistry.  And it’s easy to fall into bad habits […]

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monday quote

Reading Time: 2 minutes Motivational Quotes on Mondays to Start Your Week Off Right! Be sure to sign up for my Facebook Page, sign up for my Facebook Page, Christie Kelemen Page, to get new content! Mondays can be a challenge to get started off right.  Get in a good frame of mind and make Monday’s a little better. […]

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Detox massage tips with essential oils

Reading Time: 6 minutes Detox Massage & Detox Tips I have experienced firsthand how my super senses pick up on many environmental toxins. Just walking down the scented laundry detergent aisle in the grocery store reminds me of how pervasive chemicals are in this world. It amazes me how others can’t smell the chemicals off-gassing from the clothes they […]

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Lotus flower for self love and mantras

Reading Time: 8 minutes You need these mantras for self love.  I love me a good mantra. It can quickly snap me out of a funk or travel with me on one of life’s journies to keep me motivated. And did you know mantras can rewire your brain to aid you in getting the results you want?  Self-love is […]

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A woman holds her throat which needs treatment.

Reading Time: 6 minutes Acid Reflux: How to treat naturally (finally).  When my gut wasn’t healthy, I could feel that burning sensation in my throat, like something was stuck there, late at night or after a heavy meal. Antacids could make it feel better for me. But I knew that only worsened the condition, causing it to happen more […]

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Woman Self-Care with Book

Reading Time: 4 minutes Self-Care Ideas for Women?  Who has time?  I am a doer, like most women, who finds it easy to forget about just being—being happy, being content, being calm. I do, and I take action. Which is great, but at times it feels as if I am only the sum of my to-do list, especially during […]

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As a Certified Health Coach, I deliver clever solutions to reduce inflammation and heal.  I guide you to discover the foods and lifestyle changes that improve your health and life.

I have completed advanced training in reducing inflammation and healing the gut. 


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