
Motivational Quotes on Mondays

monday quote
It is finally time to feel good!
I'm a Certified Health Coach and healing yoga teacher for highly sensitive peri/menopausal women, with advanced training in reducing inflammation and improving gut health. I clear up and sort out the nuts and bolts of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, so you don't have to, and hand it to you in quick and easy ways you will love.
I am a mom of three living in Southern Texas.  I enjoy reading, gardening and yoga. 
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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Motivational Quotes on Mondays to Start Your Week Off Right!

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Mondays can be a challenge to get started off right.  Get in a good frame of mind and make Monday’s a little better.

Quotes on Monday:

Here is one for today.

“The strongest of all warriors are these two – time and patience.” 

Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

You can meet your goals. Keep working.

Day by day, step by step, moment by moment, continue to move towards your goals.  In your heart know you will achieve them!


monday quote


Get more motivation:

10 Healthier Habits to Easily Lose Weight.

Stress: How to Relieve it to Ease Your Mind and Body

See what I accomplished as a single mom of three working two jobs.  I authored a cookbook, Shortcut Real Food: 20-minute meals. (Buy it on cookbook, Shortcut Real Food: 20-minute meals. (Buy it on Amazon.).) You can make your dreams come true too.  Read my story here.

This blog post is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat any health condition or to be prescriptive for anyone. Always be sure to work with your healthcare practitioner before making any changes.

Don’t forget to share your favorite posts with friends and family – get the word out about easy healthy eating!  

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Also, share your comments below. I’d love to see your favorite quotes.


I’m a Certified Health Coach for highly sensitive peri/menopausal women, with advanced training in reducing inflammation and improving gut health. I clear up and sort out the nuts and bolts of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, so you don’t have to, and hand it to you in quick and easy ways you will love.

I am a highly sensitive peri/menopausal woman and am happy, healthy, and thriving.  I want to get you there too.

Sign up below for my Anti-inflammatory Lifestyle Blog for Women Over 40 and get clever solutions for highly sensitive women over 40 to reduce inflammation and increase health and happiness.  

You will also receive my popular download, Optimize Your Diet and Lifestyle Habits to Reduce or Reverse Chronic Inflammation.

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