
GOAL SETTING Define Who You Want to Be

Health Coach Christie Kelemen and The Easy Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Blog for Highly Sensitive Women
It is finally time to feel good!
I'm a Certified Health Coach and healing yoga teacher for highly sensitive peri/menopausal women, with advanced training in reducing inflammation and improving gut health. I clear up and sort out the nuts and bolts of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, so you don't have to, and hand it to you in quick and easy ways you will love.
I am a mom of three living in Southern Texas.  I enjoy reading, gardening and yoga. 
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Reading Time: 3 minutes

GOAL SETTING Define who you want to be.

Watch the video below for a FREE Goal Setting training to help define who you want to be.

Goal Setting with Certified Health Coach Christie Kelemen

Get your free Motivation in a Minute Mini-Training by clicking the link below:

SIGN UP NOW! to get your 5 free mini coaching sessions and your goal setting cheat sheet.

See below for a transcript of the video “GOAL SETTING Define who you want to be:

Goal Setting: Define Who You Want to Be


Do you make vague goals? (I’m going to be healthier!) and then just start moving in that general direction? (I’ll eat a salad sometime soon) and hope for stellar results? Hey! I’m Christie Kelemen, certified health coach, with more clever health and wellness solutions – today focused on those goals you’re setting for the next year. I’m so excited because I have great gift for you that’s going to clear away many of your goal-setting cobwebs, cut through the haze of figuring out “What should I do? and get you across that finish line. 

I too have felt confused about what to do next and looking for a way ahead. After a particularly challenging time in my life, a coach told me I needed a “comeback story” and a “new identity.” I didn’t know what that could be. How does one just reinvent themselves?

Goal setting!  It isn’t sexy, but it’s THE WAY to redefine who you want to be.

Goal setting starts with asking high-mileage questions.

I finally found my purpose and my direction by asking myself over and over, “What is my comeback story?” and “What do I want my new identity to be?”  Our brains can’t help but answer when we ask something repeatedly.

That coach’s words were the catalyst for my life.  I set my goals and redefined who I wanted to be.

My new identity – health coach, author, and blogger is now my comeback story (it would never have happened if I hadn’t been down). 

Define Who YOU Want to Be

As a coach, I will help you uncover the layers of yourself to get to the root causes and reasons for your behaviors and beliefs. As a coach, I am your guide on the side while you stand center stage. You are the one who has the answers within. I help you access them!

To get you to the other side of, “Hmm, I’d like to X”. To, “I did it!”  I have created a FREE “Motivation in a Minute” Mini-Training.  Click on the link below.


I’ll send you a FREE 5-DAY SERIES OF 1-MINUTE MOTIVATIONAL COACHING SESSIONS to make progress on your lingering health & wellness goals.

Plus, a printable goal-setting cheat sheet.

When you sign up, you will receive five emails for 5 days with high mileage questions, motivations and tips that will only take a minute for you to work through. It’s a quick and easy way to push through the tough goals that have you stuck or to help you create a new one – one that is really compelling, gripping, and entices you to action. And, you’ll receive a printable goal-setting cheat sheet.

I’m going to help you with one goal-setting tip right now. Something you can ingest and implement right now.

Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate!

It’s a must to reward yourself when you reach milestones on your journey to define who you are.

After You Define Your Goal, What is Next?

Once you’ve defined your goal and start moving forward, you should always celebrate when you meet milestones along the way. For example, if you want to lose weight, you might reward yourself with a night out once you’ve lost 5 pounds. If you want to learn Spanish, you might reward yourself by taking a trip to Spain after you’ve learned some phrases.

When you achieve and celebrate, achieve more and celebrate more, your body gets hooked on the celebration and wants more. You build motivation into your body by celebrating as you define who you are. 

And when you very first start a new goal, celebrate your first small win to get that motivation started.

Again, SIGN UP BELOW and you’ll receive your FREE “Motivation in a Minute” Mini-Training with a 5-day series of 1-minute motivational coaching sessions to make progress on your lingering health & wellness goals, plus a printable goal-setting cheat sheet you can get started on right now. Make this year’s New Year’s Resolutions finally stick.

https://ChrsitieKelemen.com/Motivation “Motivation in a Mintute Mini-training”

Success doesn’t happen by accident.

This blog post is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat any health condition or to be prescriptive for anyone. Always be sure to work with your healthcare practitioner before making any changes.

(End of GOAL SETTING Define who you are, transcript.)

If you are wanting to earn extra money and start a new career that will improve your life and positively impact the world, consider becoming a Certified Health Coach.  Visit my Become a Certified Health Coach page.

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